Josh Clemente: All right, we’ll go ahead and jump in. Welcome to Friday the 13th, August 13th, to be exact. Very excited to kick off the meeting, and I can’t see my whole screen. All right, there we go. So we will do intros in just a minute, but first and foremost, I want to welcome two exceptional new members to this growing and already exceptional team. Very excited to have Zac and Kunal on the call right now. And we’ll get some more specifics on each of them, but just stoked for it. And then I do want to note, we’ve got two more starting next week, so things are moving. Josh Clemente: A big note this week, which David rolled out, is a new project execution structure. So this is formed around the concept of project owners, which is kind of single-thread delivery responsibility for specific projects. And there’s a whole bunch of conceptual interesting framework wrapped up into that memo, which is really helpful. And David, I just want to appreciate you for putting together a really solid memo to explain why we’re doing this and to help everyone understand that this is all phase contextual and we’re a complex system, the company is a complex system by nature. Things have to evolve and this is a step towards executing for our phase. Josh Clemente: Let’s see, shipped a number of great updates. I’m not going to be able to touch on all of them, but I think David will, Stripe ID verification, Meal Insights, In-app weekly report, Social Community Glucose Card, a lot of exciting stuff, and I will let the product team dig into the specifics there. We also had a number of great tactical memos that came out this week. Quality and velocity was amazing, best practices Loom, and for Looms and Wikis, the project owner’s memo, I just touched on, and then really nice exploration from Xinlu on predicting meal responses from ingredients. So yeah, really great writing this week. Josh Clemente: Casey was on Doctor’s Farmacy as well as a blog post, and Sam had his first run review article posted, both of which were really huge hits. I just took a very small sampling of the responses that they got to each of these, but people were just generally inspired and motivated by the content. I think the Cases episode hit number two on the health and fitness charts this week, which is very, very, just amazing work. It’s the second time she’s done an episode with Mark Hyman and it continues to, I think, resonate even stronger with their audience as evidenced by the number of orders we received over the last 36 hours. Josh Clemente: Initial results from the Whoop x Levels case study shows some really interesting associations. There’s going to be a full report done on this, but it basically shows that the Levels metabolic score associates with more restorative sleep, lower resting heart rate and increased Whoop recovery, all of which we were not sure or would happen. This is a complex sort of set of relationships, and certainly this is not final published science, but it’s very cool to see these types of things early on, and yeah, more to come there. I’m going to just touch on a few other things. Josh Clemente: I really love the fact that we’ve got reactions coming through the social and community experiments. This is going to be… it’s a step towards people being able to interact with each other as data and the first feature of its kind in the Levels product, which is huge. And then we continue to get really nice testimonials from people who have developed insights around the reasons that their body is responding differently than they expect to prior sort of weight loss programs and similar, and Levels being a breakthrough for them. So overall, a great week. And with that, I will jump ahead and welcome Niv to the call. So Niv is founder of Shrug Capital, previously at AngelList, Product Hunt, founded Golden Kitties at Product Hunt, which many of us are familiar with. But most importantly, he’s been one of our major supportive investors and really appreciate him taking the time to join the call and all of the work that he’s done so far to raise the signal and awareness for Levels. And Niv, would love to hear a few words. Niv Dror: Hey, hey. Thanks for having me on here, big fan of your product. I don’t know if everybody shows up with Levels when they come here, but I’m probably not the only one. Yeah, so thank thanks for letting me be part of this. Do you want to talk about the funding environment or what specifically should I focus on? Josh Clemente: Let’s focus on the execution rate and just hear your thoughts on, you’ve been kind of involved in Levels since the earliest days, so it would be great to just hear from a bird’s eye view, how you view the progress. Niv Dror: Yeah. So you guys shift things really quickly, just there’s not one thing that I’m impressed by, it’s just everything seems to be quality. So that could be the very meticulous investor updates with so much data, info, these things on a weekly basis, a lot of people don’t see them but the way you utilize investor network, you’re doing something really important, that you’re giving people data about their body that they somehow aren’t allowed to have access to. And even if they were, now you’re just making it accessible. And [inaudible 00:05:03] I think you’re turning these things from something that people may have been ashamed by, or at least maybe young kids are ashamed by to a real status symbol, make it look [inaudible 00:05:14]. And I don’t know how many I’ve sold of these via the Shrug [inaudible 00:05:21] that we do, but it’s not a cheap product, and a lot of people are buying them. So it just shows to show that you’re doing something important. Niv Dror: And also, the last thing is I’m getting a lot of overlaps from the early Superhuman team. So with Superhuman, just from the quality of the team and the level of details and piece of execution and very much the awareness that you’re more like starting a movement than kind of selling a product, so that’s super important. And also from the paying for it standpoint, again, I don’t think it’s a cheap thing. And with Superhuman, it was a similar thing. Why would you pay $30 a month for email? It’s free. But Superhuman has turned around where, how do I get access to have the pleasure of, I mean, the honor of paying 30 bucks a month to get access? So it’s a similar thing with this way, the way this keeps drawing people it’s a change of perception, but you were doing it. I think you were like hitting on all [inaudible 00:06:16] Josh Clemente: Love it. Yeah. I think the comparisons directly to other premium products that have kind of changed people’s perceptions is really important. Obviously we do want to drive the price down, which I’m not sure Superhuman does, but no, it’s good and I think quite vindicating to you to see the willingness of people to kind of adopt the premium product in exchange for the quality of the information. I think it goes to the quality of information, the fundamentally sound science that underlies why we’re doing what we’re doing. So Niv, thanks for taking the time, appreciate you joining us and the continued support. Josh Clemente: All right, I’m going to jump ahead to our first new team intro, Zac Henderson, really quite excited about this one. We’ve got, as you all know, a regulated product. We are deep in the territory where legal insights are kind of a day-to-day requirement. And so Zac is going to be the tactical boots on the ground to help us navigate everything that we have, both in front of us and that we have yet to uncover in terms of our future product lines. So Zac, would love to hear a few words. We’ve got some great insights on the table or on the page about who you are and where you live and all, but would love to hear from your perspective what you’re looking forward to. Zac Henderson: Yeah. Hey, everybody super excited to be here. There’s a lot to look forward to. I mean, just from a, what I like perspective, I really like learning hard stuff and doing hard stuff. And the regulatory space is kind of the Wild West in general, especially where Levels is. And that may sound scary, but it’s actually a really good thing because regulators need good companies with good intentions and good products to communicate with them and show them what should be kind of happening out there. And one of the things that I loved about Levels, not withstanding the just phenomenal product and insights, is we’re super committed to kind of doing things right here. Zac Henderson: And so there’s an opportunity not just to make a real difference in people’s lives, but also to literally give other similarly well-intentioned companies that actually could positively change people’s lives a path. And so we really are going to be trailblazing in more than one way. I’m super excited to be a part of that. I love this entire team, and so I’m just stoked to be here. And on that note, please reach out, say hello, anytime, give a question, no question is too small or silly or anything. Legal is wild y’all, so hit me up and I’ll be happy to help. Talk soon. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Yeah, I plus one on that. Providing playbook for the industry as more technology and more data makes its way into the hands of the individual is just going to be huge and very excited to have you kind of leading the path there. And as Zac mentioned, everyone knows the drill here, let’s definitely welcome Zac warmly and make some time over the next few weeks to try and schedule a one-on-one and get to know each other a bit better. And yeah, super excited. As you can see, Zac is a power user of the product as well, which that’s becoming a theme with our new hires. Great. With that, onto welcoming our second new team addition, Kunal. Very, very excited to have Kunal on the team as well and just so stoked that the two of you were able to hit the ground running so quickly. Kunal, I’m going to hand it over to you. Kunal Shah: Great, thanks, Josh. I’m super excited to be here. I’ve been a competitive runner for my entire life and even ran in college, and I think one of the things that was always shocking to me was how hard it was to really get a stable set of energy levels and moods, and even having access to nutritionists as part of the athletic program in college. There still wasn’t very granular information, of course, because everybody’s body responds so differently. And so it was a really gradual process for me to figure out what actually made me tick and made me feel good, and it took a couple years. Kunal Shah: And so when I was exposed to Levels and started using it, it was extraordinary to me. And to put this in everyone’s hands and to empower everyone to learn the same things about their own bodies with a really closed feedback cycle is just something that clicked really, really deeply with me. That, as well as after getting my hands on the app, I was just really fascinated and curious about how it all worked under the hood. So a long series of conversations later, I’m super stoked to be here and to be contributing. I’m really excited as well to get to know everyone on the team. So I’m looking forward to chatting with all of you. Thanks, guys. Josh Clemente: Amazing. Yeah, very excited to have you both and please again, team, reach out to Kunal and help him get up and run. And yeah, we’ll be doing this drill several more times in the coming weeks so everyone’s going to have quite a few new people to meet, and that’s the exciting part about team growth. All right. Quick touch on the company priorities as of this month. Moving over to a membership model, this is an ongoing process which we’re exploring, social experiments to bring community and basically accelerate the movement, and then continuing to iterate on the guided journey that is the core Levels program. Okay. Company culture and kudos slide real quick. So we help you see how food affects your health, that is the motto and mission statement as concisely as we can make it today. I’m going to quickly call on Alan to just say a few words about specifically Justin’s help in guiding product velocity and his feedback approach. Alan, could you jump in? Alan McLean: Absolutely, yeah. So I wanted to call this Thread between Justin and I, which I think captures well in a dynamic when working with Justin. And I think maybe the quick thing to call out is that he just has great instincts. And so there’s often this back and forth where we’re working on something and Justin will say, “Yeah, I’m not sure I’m really feeling this.” And I’ll be like, “You know, just stick with it. Let’s give it a shot.” And then as indicated on the red highlight there, maybe 30 minutes later, I’m like, “Okay, yeah, he’s probably right.” And so digging in and then making it better, it looks a little bit more polished, a little bit more together. And I think that kind of… the details, really just a joy to work with on the team. So shout out to Justin there. Josh Clemente: Love it. And I think this is a nice little micro example of the short toes concept, which makes its way into the memo that David released this week, which is just, I love how Alan also responds to the input that Justin provides and takes it as positive and constructive, and excited to see these principles continue to be reinforced. And then lastly, really appreciate Ben for kind of some rapid action on taking a first crack at developing a best practices Loom video here. Haney put the question out there, clearly Ben had been considering it before and he put in about 15 minutes of work to produce something super useful. Over to David. David Finner: Cool. Yeah, just to piggyback on Josh. So we’re [inaudible 00:13:56] to this project owner’s experiment, and the idea is that we’ll have a single-threaded responsibility, a single person who’s responsible for delivering any given project. We have a set of company objectives that Josh previewed a couple slides back, and so within each of our company objectives, we’ll have one or more projects targeted at them at a given time. And yeah, moving forward, we’ll have a whole bunch of people on the team that will help out to execute against these. The goal here is to increase our velocity on learning, right now, where we have this Goldilocks pre-launch period, and then also uncovering resourcing bottlenecks. David Finner: So as we’re taking on more projects and we’re leveraging the awesome talent we have on the team to lead many different projects, we’ll have to work together in individual, small squads, small teams to figure out, can we do this, where are we understaffed? And then surfacing that up to make sure that we’re either moving forward as fast as we can or highlighting where we can so that we can resource it effectively. We’re targeting to have all of the main projects of the company move over to this model by the end of August. And it’d be great if you could block off 30 minutes to read through the project owner’s memo, give me some feedback, what’s missing in that that’s confusing. I’ll be checking in with each of you to see if there’s anything else I can clarify, but I’m really excited to see how this goes. And in the spirit of that, I think the next slide is, I’ll hand it off to Ben to give the first project update. Ben Grynol: Okay. Let’s hammer through this. So in-app video, this week, we made some progress on the templates. That being, how do we make the video feel that it is consistent when we do five or 10 of them? How do we make it feel on brand and valuable with things like captions? From a project component standpoint, we completed, there are three parts to an exercise or being a project owner. One is actually doing the project and updating the team, and the second is writing the PR FAQ, and then the third being writing the email, product marketing, like an email feature update that would go to members. So those two components are complete. You can check them out in Notion. We added one thing, which is a Wiki which is nice to have for the project. Ben Grynol: So from a project standpoint, this is where we’ll hammer. So Casey and I ran this test. The point of the test was to see what it would feel like to actually record a video with one person talking to a camera or two people having a conversation. We decided to go with the two people to make it feel a little bit more informal and lean into the at-home feel as opposed to a studio feel. We decided on 16:9, so landscape view as opposed to 9:16, which is mobile first, and that’s because we are not embedding this native in-app and so the experience is still going to be hosted out of our app. We’ll host through Vimeo. The videos are going to be relatively scripted, so Casey, she wrote most of the insight cards that are currently there, but she’s going to basically memorize that material and still make it feel conversational, but that will allow us to be tight so that we can maintain 30 to 90 seconds or under two minutes per video to get the best engagement possible. Ben Grynol: We’re using data, so top performing videos are going to be produced based on the engagement rate of the current insight cards. That’s what people click on. And we’re only taking a metabolic health education approach as opposed to a product marketing approach, or sorry, a product education approach. That would be like, how to remove a sensor. We just don’t want to go down that path right now. We’re going to record more tests on Tuesday, so Tuesday of this week, and that will be Casey basically doing the scripted version before we go into high quality or higher quality production. And then, the following week, we’ll record the actual videos, five to 10 of them, hammer them out and we will ship as quickly as possible. We’re on track from a timeline perspective to hit the beginning of September for the V1 test and actually have some content uploaded. Ben Grynol: And then the last part of it is the eng perspective. So Jhon reviewed the specs for what was needed, we decided nothing new was needed because we can piggyback on the existing rails, the infrastructure that we have for the insight cards. He had a suggestion that what we were going to build was deeper analytics so that we could measure watch time, completion rate, and all these things. And he said, “Hey, why don’t we just use Vimeo’s analytics that exist? There’s no point in building something in product, it’s already there.” So that’s exactly what we’re going to do. So Jhon is able to take the entire week off and he will not be needed on this project at all, so don’t bug Jhon at all. And that is video app update. David Finner: Ben, this is targeted at the company objective for guided journey, right? Ben Grynol: Correct. David Finner: I think. Ben Grynol: Are you just saying the intent [crosstalk 00:18:38]- David Finner: Yeah. Well, I was just tying it back to the objectives that Josh pointed out. So I think the idea here is that we want to have more of the videos hoping that that’ll help with the, so what and now what, on that guided journey. [crosstalk 00:18:47]- Ben Grynol: Correct. That’s exactly it. Yeah. That’s exactly it. So that is the update. David Finner: Sweet, thank you. Josh Mohrer: So membership model transition to better align our business and members, have spoken a bit about this in the past. This week I had some good jams with a few different people, scoping out the different components for this, and that’s been a lot of fun. This is going to be a pretty long one. If you want to learn more, you can go to We hope to have something to show for this by the end of the year. Josh Mohrer: And then I’m going to do one more, if that’s all right, on the next slide, blood work for our phase two, thanks to everyone who participated in phase one, a couple months ago. We are finishing up the plan for phase two, including a really interesting doc that you check out on the lab results that Casey got from our advisors. It’s a great read, everything is linked from I also got to work with Zac for the first time this week and had a good meeting with Ben on the videos that we’re going to build for this. Coming along, hopefully something we can ship in a phase two to members probably towards the end of next month, because glucose isn’t a panacea. That’s all for me. Thanks guys, have a good weekend. Josh Clemente: Thanks, JM. Scott Klein: All right. [crosstalk 00:20:13] Let’s talk Stripe Identity. So we shipped this week phase one of two, landed just in time, you’ll see in a minute. I wanted to say just a quick thanks for all the testing help. I know you were trusting me with your real identity cards, but we needed those to make sure that it was working in production. So let’s go over the rationale for sort why we built this, just to sort of drive home kind of the customer impact. So in short, this was one of the rougher experiences, both for the customers and the ops team. So you had to either have a computer that had a webcam that was actually working, which was unlikely, and so a lot of people ended up submitting on accident, two ID cards or two selfies or a picture of their cat or a group photo. All these turned into a rejection, and then we have a manual process to reach back out to them. And then they had to go back through the entire medical consult form. Scott Klein: So go to the next slide. So with Stripe, we had two main objectives to get this experience up and better. So first and foremost, the capture experience really elevating that. So webcam support, even on the best computers, oftentimes breaks down. Stripe adds this amazingly buttery mobile capture option, where it kicks you out to your mobile phone. You’ve got this nice camera with a great signal processor that does really good glare reduction. All the things that you want in a camera, you have on your phone, and so it lets you seamlessly transfer out to your phone to do that. Scott Klein: And then it also provides real time feedback on the quality of the capture. So as you’re capturing a selfie, it makes sure that it’s a human face, it’s got some, I think, machine learning model so that if you’re looking at an ID card, it knows that you’re actually taking a picture of the front and not the back. All these things that would trip up, especially some of our older clients maybe, it does in realtime. And then it gives you the option to sort of look at it and say, “Hey, does this look blurry? Are you good enough?” And then you can continue to go ahead. Scott Klein: So next slide. So the next thing we needed to do was programmatic verification. So right now, our ops team is doing all of this by hand, where they would have to pick out the name, look for an ID card, a birthday on the ID card, if you’ve ever been carded, you know your waiter is usually looking at it for five minutes trying to find your ID, sorry, your date of birth on your ID, and I think our ops team is doing the same. So we’re now able to move to programmatically match all of the things that we need to do. So the ID card looks good, the selfie looks good, the name matches what they submitted, and the date of birth matches what they submitted. Scott Klein: So let’s take a look really quick at what the experience looks like, you can go to the next slide. So you get to choose right off the bat phone or webcam, driver’s license or passport, excuse the little blurry privacy thing here.,I know we’re going to publish this at some point. But you’ll notice, there’s no submit button here. It’s just kind of looking at the picture, it’s waiting for a clear shot, it’s looking at an ID card, and then it just takes the picture. It gives you one final chance to review it and say, “Hey, this is good or this is not.” You flip it over. You do the same with the back of the card, this is pretty painless. Scott Klein: Notice the other options thing in the right, at any point, you can kick out to your phone if you’re having trouble and continue the process on your phone. And then once you’re done with your ID card, you’ll notice here, my head was a little bit out of frame and it wasn’t taking the picture until I lowered it down and then it automatically goes ahead and takes the picture. So all of these are just really, really, really good experience improvements for are the people that are getting signed up with Levels. Scott Klein: So next slide. Couple things to call out for here. So I was actually, I pulled some data and our median age right now for people going through the medical consult is 45 years old. Now, since that’s a median, we’re obviously have a lot of people in the sort 20, 30 year, maybe biohacker quantified self group, but we also have a lot of people in their 50s and their 60s. And they may be at work, on a desktop with no webcam, this lets them not get stuck in the process where they would have to kick out to their phone and go back through it all. If you’ve got an old laptop, old browsers, all this stuff sort of gets obviated because everybody has a smartphone. So that’s fantastic. Scott Klein: Next slide. All right. And then the second thing is we just need to get ops out of the way. So as we think about launch readiness and the volume going up quite a lot, we had a really good trial run because the Mark Hyman and Casey blog post, or sorry, the podcast dropped, which was awesome. So we had snuck sort of the ID verification in a day before, and luckily it just performed beautifully. So all of these, most of the ops team just went through and clicked, submit, submit, submit, submit, submit, because all of the verifications were coming back perfectly. And so this is a really good way to sort of lever up on our ops team’s capacity here. Scott Klein: So next slide. So just a little bit about what this sort of does for me and just in terms of excitement. I think we’re moving toward a much richer, wow first commerce experience. So we have an incredibly expensive product, 399 is a lot of money to spend on something, especially that you find on the internet. You may not know who Levels is. So these sorts of interactions really build that trust in a big way for our customers. And the second thing is we’re just meeting people where they are in terms of the tech. So metabolic dysfunction in general is going to skew a little bit more toward an older population, a lower socioeconomic population, and so providing these experiences just lets us meet them kind of where they’re at in terms of their tech adoption and not to be exclusionary for them. Scott Klein: So next slide, just a couple smattering of little feedback things. So Braden and Jesse, even on the first couple days, were saying, “Hey,” people were reaching out and saying, “I’m having trouble with the identity capture.” They were immediately able to kick out to the phone, to complete the process. They didn’t have to go back through the medical consult form all the way again. Next steps for us are to just enable the auto submit to Truepill. So right now, we’re still anecdotally looking at all of these to sort of match them up and make sure that the rules that we’ve built in for the matching are all good to go. So I think we should be able to enable that here pretty soon. Scott Klein: And then the final step would just be to decouple the identity collection from the medical consult so that we can once and for all, if we do have an issue with the info that they’ve submitted or the documents that they’ve submitted, we don’t have to put them back through the entire medical consult again, they just need to go through the identity situation. And because we’ve implemented Stripe, we have the option to do that where we can just send them a specially crafted link, they load it up, it’s all handled through Stripe, and then we get the notification that it succeeded. So really smooth launch, was really happy to get it out this week. That’s it for me. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Justin Stanley: All right. Yeah. I’m excited to talk about what I’ve been working on with the My Data tab. New this week, I believe, is the stats, the three stats there at the top, metabolic score, time above range, and stability. Just a placeholder for the charts which I’m working on as well, you can see in the right, updates to the UI for the charts, which I’m doing on a zone review and sleep report. And yeah, at the bottom of the screen, we’ve got the zone summaries, which kind of concatenate all the different notes from the zones. And further down there is also a sleep report showing how many hours of sleep you got each day. And yeah, you can page through the days and then it’ll change the stats for each day. And yeah, next will be just adding the chart which has kind of zones highlighted for the day on the chart. I’ll be working on that today and next week. Josh Clemente: Awesome. David Finner: Sweet. Thanks, Jason. The in-app weekly report is also ready for internal testing this week. Gabriel did a really awesome job getting this one out the door quickly, porting over the internal, sorry, the existing weekly report into a usable in-app format. This is backfilled so you can go, as long as you have the latest app, you can go to the past to a previous Monday, I believe, and then on your home screen. You can take a look and try out that experience. So part of our launch efforts here to get this ready, bringing more and more things into the app for an immersive experience. David Finner: Next slide. And then we also had a substantial improvement in the Learn Module. So ever since Mercy took over updating the Learn Module, we’ve had so much more content in it, which has been amazing, but it sort of implicitly hit this speed bottleneck where it takes five to 10 seconds for me to open up the Learn Module when you open up the Levels app, which pretty much kills my engagement on it. And so Murillo took a look and found a way to rewrite some of the backend in a lightweight way that actually just speeds it up back to its original speed. So thank you for that, Murillo. This is, even though it’s a backend optimization, I think this is a material difference in terms of usability for the experience. David Finner: Yeah. Meal insights is ready for internal testing. So this is huge, this is a long time coming. Levels helps people understand and how what they eat affects their health, and in order to do that, we showed them things in a course way, like a zone score. But what we were hearing from our members is that they really want to know, hey, this is surprising to me, what was it in my meal that I can, that I should look to first to optimize and swap out? And this is a genesis from a lot from Casey and her feedback and Alan, and what we’re hearing for, well, for solutions based on what we’re hearing from members and what they’re seeking to learn, the so what and now what. David Finner: Xinlu put together a model that parses out words, common food words from our data set and then maps them onto typical responses, small, medium, and large, and we’ll now be able to… We’re starting on the, on the slide on the left, you’ll see in the app, you’ll see a highlight of ingredients that give you a medium or large spike. So go ahead and take that out for a spin later today. I think it still needs a backend push, because I couldn’t find it this morning, but it is feature complete. And pay attention to Threads for when that will be ready to go live. David Finner: Yeah, ext slide. And actually, Josh, can you refresh this one please? So we’ve been iterating on the social concepts. Thank you for trying out the first version and for all the feedback, there was a really good comprehensive Thread and Threads on what we found lacking on engagement and how we might try to improve this. And the big things that we added this week, that Jhon added this week, are emoji reactions, so you can now add an emoji to add a little personal touch to zone reactions in here. And we added profile pictures. A theme here is making this much more people-oriented, so by bringing the avatar, by bringing people’s names into the experience, by bringing a lightweight one-way communication with the emojis, we’re trying to see if that increases engagement. David Finner: The other thing that we’re doing here, Braden and Mike helped us reach out to the Levels members who have agreed to be early feedback alpha testers, and we solicited them, anyone who wants to opt in to participate alongside us in this, we’ll add them to the experiment feature so that they can try it out. We’ll get more data. One of the things we were struggling with was we didn’t have a lot of data to take a look at, and these social experiences sort of depend on a certain amount of volume. So by getting our Levels members involved, we’ll get more volume, we’ll also get better feedback, and hopefully take this for another iteration over the next week. David Finner: Next slide. And I wanted to call out that we are, Kunal is also jumping right in with making some improvements to the web profile. So I think I saw PR come in just before the meeting on that, but some lightweight UX improvements to the web profile experience. There’s also a bunch of design work going on from Jeremy’s end to support some of the piping for memberships. We’ve been talking through that with JM and working on prescription, some necessary prescription changes, which is going to be really critical to unlocking that membership change. So great work there. And I think that’s about it. So thanks team. Long update this week. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Huge update. Thank you to the entire team, that was comprehensive. It’s going to be hard to pack all these things into these meetings starting soon. Okay, quick hiring update. The main things here are we updated the partnership specialist title to growth generalist, and this is based on some of the experiences we’ve had thus far in the interview process and learning the best way to advertise what the responsibilities are through the title. And then head of clinical product, applications are still paused there. This is taking more of a GM project owner kind of design. And so we’re continuing to talk to people who fit that profile, but have paused the specific applications for a similar reason to the growth generalist role in that we were getting kind of the wrong profile for what we actually intended to attract. All right, that’s it there. Miz. Michael Mizrahi: Cool. Quick ops update. Scott already touched on Stripe ID verification, but the things I want to stress here that are really awesome is one, this has been one of the most painful experiences in the product from the beginning for support, so really, really heavy support burden, and really, really significant member burden. And this just nailed both those at the same time. When we talk about adding software engineers to the team and having more capacity to take on meaningful projects, this is it in action, right? Scott joined less than a month ago or a month ago, and we’re already shipping a pretty meaningful update. So thanks Scott for the work, we’re thrilled to partner with you on it, and yeah, excited for everyone else joining and all the other edges of the product that we can improve and make meaningful improvements on. Michael Mizrahi: Other updates this week, some changes to the refund reason table. We’re getting to the right place there. That podcast was awesome, Casey, listened to it myself and wanted to sign up for Levels too. And so the volume that we typically get from those is high. Hopefully the ID verification is going to significantly help on the order processing side. But we’re standing by and ready for kind of the wave of signups that come, the wave of questions that then come for onboarding, shipping problems, all those kinds of things. So ready to go. Michael Mizrahi: Shout out to Chris this week, a lot of updates shipped on the analysis side. So a few different ones, you can find them all in Notion or in the operations Threads forum if you want to go deeper. We have a high-level cost of good sold update, order fulfillment SLAs, making sure that we’re holding Truepill to the SLAs that we have in our contract, that we’re shipping orders on time, that weekends are being treated appropriately. These are a lot of things that we’ve had hope and faith in, but not a strategy for them actually improving those things. And so we’re starting to get a little bit more analytical and serious about it. Michael Mizrahi: We’ve done some invoice reconciliation and happy to report that what we’re being billed for lines up almost exactly to the numbers that we have in Retool. So we feel good about that and it’s nice to know that that our numbers are checking out. And then we’re doing some being rate analysis. We use overnight and priority overnight fairly liberally, but there are costs associated with it. And so just knowing what those are and making educated trade-offs to when we use those different kinds of shipping methods, so there’s an analysis doc on that too. So thanks Chris for all those pieces. And then finally on the Truepill side, we’re getting into a very good cadence in terms of vendor management, driving down a lot of the outstanding questions that we’ve had or issues that we’ve been asking about. And so feel really good there. And finally, we’re nearing an update to clinical guidance to SteadyMD on some changes to the consult form that’ll take place soon. So good progress all across the board and good job to the whole team. Josh Clemente: That’s great stuff there. I know that in particular, the vendor relationships with Truepill have been, yeah, it’s been a great project, but certainly there have been ups and downs. So it’s good to hear that things are hit hitting cadence. All right, Ben. Ben Grynol: All right. So very strong week. We’re trending to have our best week yet, so we’ll very likely surpass the 203 that we hit, I think it was two weeks ago now. 355 recognized revenue for the month already, so we have surpassed our goal of 300,000. From a cash position standpoint, we’re at 9.1 and to reiterate, we have $1.3 million in outstanding invoices with Truepill, and so that is an accumulation of four months of cost of good sold, and then all the infrastructure management, everything that comes with using their network. So we’ll incur that in the next week or two, and then once we do our cash position, we’ll be down to around 7.8 and that will give us roughly 42 months of runway, and that includes access to our debt. So we’ll report that once we’ve incurred those changes to our cash position. Ben Grynol: Next slide please. So growth theme of the week, turn to community. This is something that we have access to and I think we under utilize it. We’ve got over 1,000 people in our Facebook group and we’ve got 43 people that have opted in to reach out to any time within the community as far as direct messages or video calls. And so when thinking about the video project, I thought, why don’t we just post in the Facebook community and see what people think of video? And our hypothesis was, let’s to replace the insight cards, the text, with video and see what happens. And what we found is some people said only text, and some people said only video, and some people said, please have both. Ben Grynol: And so the takeaway from these 31 responses that we got very quickly was, why don’t we just serve up both text and video in the same insight card, same place, and people can choose what they want. And so that’s what we’re going to do. Takeaway is, we should make sure that we are getting feedback from people about things, because it is so easy, even if it’s simple things like wire frames, right, people are very willing to help and we shouldn’t exploit the Facebook community, but they very much like to help. So that is growth for the week, and Jesse’s going to do a quick update on the aggregation page project. Jesse Lavine: Cool. So a few weeks ago, we’ve added these aggregation pages for video podcast and press to the bottom of website. And a few main reasons that we’ve done this is to have a home base for all of the dispersed Levels media, and also to improve indexing and searchability for the website from written press and podcast transcripts. So there are almost 400 media uploads in the table that is on Notion, it’s [inaudible 00:38:28] on the career pages, you’ve all probably seen it. And myself and Mercy and Braden are going to be divvying up and uploading these to the website and should have these complete by the end of August. That’s it. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Jesse Lavine: That’s the same thing. Josh Clemente: Okay, great. Over to Mike D. Mike DiDonato: So try and keep this quick. Last Friday, we put together quick update via Loom about member insights, process and some of the tooling that we’re using. And one of the things that was mentioned towards the end was we were going to take more of a dedicated focus on the projects and experiments that we’re running. On the left, just a quick image of the conversation about the community glucose view within Threads. Alan and David had requested that we find members willing to go ahead and experiment. I think it was less than 24 hours, we were able to find who to engage with and then we were able to ship the email to them. Had tip to Braden there. This was perfect timing, given David’s project owner document. Mike DiDonato: One of the big takeaways for me was when he said startups that don’t ship and iterate, they die. One of our values with product development is velocity, so going forward, we’ll go ahead and support these projects and experiments in any way possible. One of the obvious ways is surfacing and actioning feedback so that we can tighten the feedback loop, not just for our members, but for our team as well. And I think that’s it. Josh Clemente: Sweet. Okay. Over to… Who’s taking this one? Tom Griffin: [crosstalk 00:40:08] All right, so Josh called this out, but needed to have a couple dedicated slides on Casey’s appearance on Doctor’s Farmacy. I know how incredible this was for Casey personally, as Mark has been a real inspiration for her career over time, but just as incredible has been the response to the show. So not only did it hit number two on health and fitness, which is definitely the best performing podcast we’ve been on to date, but there were multiple Instagram feed posts with over 130,000 views in just a couple days, hundreds of comments, which you can see here. I know Casey got 1,500 new followers, which is incredible. Tom Griffin: There was also a dedicated blog post, this is going to go up on YouTube, which is also huge, podcasts that record video and go on YouTube get significantly more traction over time. Casey got a million other DMs including one that you’ll see here from a fairly prominent health science book agent. So the reception has just been absolutely incredible, and we shouldn’t take for granted that when our founders go out and do these media appearances, they knock them out of the park every time. This could have gotten a fine reception, but instead it was a 15 out of 10 reception, which is awesome. Tom Griffin: Next slide. All right, more on Hyman. So this is just calling out that we’ve seen record levels of partner code conversions in the first two days of this episode being live. This even exceeded my expectations kind of by a lot. So only in 48 hours, we’ve had about 100 grand in revenue, 250 conversions. Again, this is just in two days. This chart, to put it into context, is showing the top partner codes by month. So the biggest month ever of a single partner code was Dave Asprey with 296, then Broken Brain, and Hyman is almost at the top in just two days. So pretty incredible. Tom Griffin: Next slide. All right, and then just very quickly, some weekly highlights. So we locked in a podcast advertising test with Kelly LeVeque starting in a few weeks. She’s been a fantastic partner, but we actually haven’t tested paid placements on her channel. So this will be a valuable experiment that continues to give us good data as we figure out how we want to spend money in scale growth once we launch. Continued great traction on the YouTube front, we had another video released last Friday afternoon that I think some people saw I posted in Threads. And then additional influencer traction, we onboarded Mona Sharma who’s Will Smith’s nutritionist as an affiliate officially. We had a couple of awesome Instagram feed posts dedicated to Levels that were totally organic, which is very rare. And then we got connected to this guy whose name I won’t be able to pronounce, but Dr. James, he’s the author of The Salt Fix and huge following and has been high on our list, so that was a big one. Josh Clemente: Huge. Thank you, team. Haney. Mike Haney: On the content side, three good articles that went up this week were kind of picking up the cadence again after a little bit of a summer slowdown as we were kind of experimenting with some new ways to produce the content, and been working for a long time on some of these bigger pieces, one of which you see on the right here. This is actually a piece, the Longevity piece, based off a talk that Casey gave at Stanford last fall that we always wanted to turn into a piece. It’s one of our really good deep dives. And then shout out to somebody, I don’t remember who, but somebody on Threads or maybe it was Slack made the suggestion a few weeks ago that, hey, we should have a list of our favorite podcasts. And we were able to quickly turn that an article. Thank you everybody who contributed ideas for that. As well, these lists, that’s a living article, so as new shows pop up, please do suggest them to me. Mike Haney: Just a few things coming up. We’ve got a bunch of food articles. We’ve been a little slow on those because we’re working with a new agency to produce the next batch of them. But just to give a little preview to some of the food pieces that are coming, big ones, small ones. We are working on, as many of you know, a blog redesign, and with that, we’re going to give the blog a name other than blog. That name is still TBD, but if anybody has brilliant ideas, please send them to me. And we’re working on some email stuff. The last stat I just want to mention quick, I know last time we talked about record organic traffic. Well, last week we had record total traffic because we had a fantastic newsletter with our new format, plus a fantastic organic week. So a really big week. It’s just exciting to see these new users. Mike Haney: Next slide. And then just a quick one, we mentioned this earlier, Sam’s piece about how he spent his first two years. I just wanted to call this out because it’s a great example of what I think we’re hoping happens with the, everyone on content initiative. You guys have heard me talk about this a lot, and I think this is just a nice kind of shiny example of what happens when we’re able to capture some unique experience, put it into a good piece. Sam did a lot of the heavy lifting on writing this, with some of the other pieces we’re working on, we’ve got an external writer who’s going to help us put these pieces together. Mike Haney: But the reaction that this got out in social media, the story that Stacy put together to promote it, and we even got the PR team working on it, just it’s going to have a lot of life. This is going to be such a valuable piece and just kind of helps elevate Levels and Sam in a way that’s different from a lot of the traditional efforts we do. So just super excited to see this one out there and look forward to a lot more, everyone in content pieces like this. That’s it for me. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Thank you, Haney. Thanks, team. All right, quick check in on comms. Michael Mizrahi: Check in on comms. So the Threads trial continues. We’re two weeks in, so thanks to everyone. I think we’re finding our cadence there. It seems like folks are settling into the new medium and a lot of good conversations are happening. One consistent point of feedback that I’ve heard and seen from a bunch of folks is a high number in the inbox throughout the day or in the morning. So strong recommendation, only send new Threads to the inbox for which you’re mentioned across most forums, unless there’s particular forums or teams that you’re on, in which case you should get all new Threads. Michael Mizrahi: So for example, if I’m on the ops team, I’ll take all new Threads, all the others, engineering, content, I’ll do only when I’m mentioned, and then go pull that information when I want it by seeing it bolded in the sidebar. So you can stay up to date, you can read up on what’s happening in the company, but that’s not actionable in your inbox that you must see every morning. So if you’re having issues with this, I’m happy to do a quick pair session and run through settings with you, but you shouldn’t have more than, let’s say, 10 or 15 max new items in your inbox each day. Michael Mizrahi: Other fronts that are continuing, Mailman, we have five people testing that out. Sam’s been in it for a while, but we added a few others. Like we mentioned last week, this continues. If you want to get in on that pilot, let me know, but this will help with email management if you’re doing a lot of email outside the company. We have opened up the Discord for social chat, so it’s not replacing Slack for all the work conversations, but we noticed there is a place missing for that kind of conversational chat that can’t really happen effectively in Threads, or can but isn’t, so Discord’s open. It’s been a little bit quiet, so if you want to come on in and chat a little bit, feel free to find that link, we’ll post it and have some activity there. All the groups are set up by interest or affinity. So you can jump into what’s interesting for you. Michael Mizrahi: And then finally, the work related sync chat is still an outstanding question. Continuing to feel that out, seeing where things are cracking through, where people feel a need to use Slack today and taking very close observation of that to find an ultimate solution. Mindful of adding too many tools, but there are other ideas, there’s tandem for these ephemeral voice rooms that come and go, and there’s some other things that we could experiment with, but mindful of everyone having 14 apps open each day just to start the day. So want to be careful there. If you have feedback, please continue to send it along, it’s not going unheard. Onto the next slide and onto Sam. Sam Corcos: Yeah. Just wanted to send a quick note that all of the feedback that people have been accumulating, I sent probably 50 pages of feedback to the Threads CEO. And you can read this if you want, all the slides are in Google Drive, but he was very receptive to all of it and he’s going to send me more next week. Josh Clemente: Threads is officially a Levels subsidiary company now, and they’ll be doing our bidding from here forward. No, but seriously, shout out to the Threads team because they are shipping things that we are asking for, which is awesome. Okay. Very, very strong density or high density meeting this week. Let’s power into the individual contributions. We’re likely to run a little bit over so if you have to jump, feel free. Chris, your first thought. Chris Jones: On a Levels front, two things. One, goes without saying the Casey podcast with Hyman was just incredible. Not only the content, but the reaction from the community in terms of the movement and the education out there. So that was really so cool to watch. Second, all the team growth on all fronts. Every week it’s changing and growing quickly, which so then a hat tip to Miz on a lot of the work for the onboarding, specifically the new videos for each of the sections, because that’s going to get used more and more over time. So lots of leverage there. And then personally, on Sunday we got a new puppy. So I’m in full blown taking them out five times every night, so that’s a new change. Josh Clemente: Let’s see that Whoop data, Chris. Chris Jones: Yeah. Josh Clemente: For me professionally, the team growth is just phenomenal. So excited to see the caliber and the pace picking up. And I’m also quite excited by the quality of the memos and the information that is being used tactically. So this week, it was some really great stuff coming from David, explorations from Xinlu, just a lot of awesome information that is well documented and tactical. And then personally, I don’t have a personal one right now. It’s good to be hanging out in New York with Sam talking some strategy stuff and sticking to my marathon plan. Stacie, are you on the call? Stacie Flinner: Levels front, Casey’s podcast was amazing and even just watching people’s responses to it was amazing. A lot of fanfare on social and same with Sam’s piece. And then personally, I missed last week because we are buying a house and went through the inspection and nothing too scary came through. All things we expected, and yeah, very excited about that process. Josh Clemente: Congratulations on that. Alan. Alan McLean: Work side, I’m really excited about digging deeper into the social experience. And it’s really fun to work with Jhon on projects like that. He’s just so fast, so I feel like I’ve got a great partner there. And then personal side, maybe also kind of work side, I guess the blending of the two, we had a little bit of a family emergency yesterday and I was really grateful, a bunch of people reached out. They were super supportive, rescheduled meetings or texting and offering to help. So everything was fine, everything’s good, but I was just grateful for the sort of positive vibes from the team. So thank you. Josh Clemente: Glad things are working out. Sorry about that. Tom. Tom Griffin: Yeah, I’ll go with the Hyman interview and Sam’s first round article. Just insane, insane traction for both. I had so many different people from my life send me both of those pieces, which was really cool. And then personally, had a bunch of friends in town, did a big dinner this week with a lot of former coworkers. So that was really fun to catch up with them. And majority of them had heard of Levels, even though they’re nowhere close to the tech or health space, which was totally insane. Josh Clemente: Love it. Scott. Scott Klein: Work front, definitely team growth, super excited about. I just want to say, I really appreciate the long form articles about people and I’m just reminded my biases when I think about someone joining the team and where their education or their history was, and then to get a narrated sort of form of their life is just, it’s really refreshing. So I’m glad that we are taking the time to do that. Personally, our AQI is 150 and it’s 99 degrees, so we’re going to just stay inside today. So that will be an interesting, yeah, with the kiddos. Josh Clemente: Stay cool. Dom. Dominic D’Agostino: Yeah. I had a great vacation in California last week and things are going really well with the clinical research and that’s my next call. Actually, we’re finishing up the first group and starting to recruit for the second group to increase our sample size. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Hao. Hao Li: Yeah. Plus one on the team grows, just always excited to see new people join and also really enjoy all the experiments around how we build up our working culture with all the new tools. Josh Clemente: Plus one. Gabriel. Gabriel: Yeah. I’m just really excited to see the team grow. It’s been great seeing how fast Scott’s got up to speed and having Kunal on board and yeah, got more people joining next week. Really excited about it. Josh Clemente: Definitely. Speaking of which, Kunal. Kunal Shah: Yeah. It’s been first week, got to ship some stuff, which has been a ton of fun going through the code base and learning how everything’s done and meeting everyone. It was cool seeing Sam’s article and we got to hang out in New York, which was super cool. And then all on the personal front, my brother just graduated from graduate school. So he’s visiting me from California and this is the first time he’s met my puppy. So really, really looking forward to spending the weekend together. Josh Clemente: That’s awesome, enjoy. Sam. Sam Corcos: I’m most excited by all of the work David’s putting into the product org, or really at least it felt like it to me the last couple weeks, we’ve seen a pretty significant increase in velocity on major projects, which has been really cool. So really excited to see that moving forward. Josh Clemente: Yes. JM. Josh Mohrer: Similarly excited about the new ownership structure and the things that we’re all working on now, as well as the new folks joining us, particularly one in the New York area. Always good to see some more New Yorkers joining up. I’m back from Maine last week, which was really wonderful. It was good to get away and it’s good to be back. Josh Clemente: Good to have you back. I think Niv had to jump. Justin. Justin Stanley: Levels wise, I find the social community glucose glancing, I never go to the home tab, but I’m actually going to that tab and constantly checking in on it and seeing how I compare to everybody else. And it’s been really helpful to me and kind of see that I run a bit hot compared to the average. And yeah, for personal, I’m getting my puppy’s second set of vaccinations today, and then I can start taking them to maybe some daycare stuff and get them socialized better. Josh Clemente: I run hot too, don’t worry. Mike D. Mike DiDonato: Yeah. So definitely Casey’s podcast with Dr. Hyman, I know how important that is to her and the company. It was awesome. And then definitely Sam’s article. I can remember over a year ago, Sam said, “Kill your to-do list, use your calendar.” Still a work in progress for me, but it was pretty awesome. And then definitely social experiments. And then personally, had runner’s knee to be able to run back-to-back days. So I am excited. [inaudible 00:56:03] Josh Clemente: Nice. Mercy. Mercy Clemente: Hey. Professionally, the Stripe ID verification was huge, the timing was literally perfect because the Hyman podcast was much busier than I expected, honestly. And then also, all the social and design stuff that the eng team is working on and product team is working on is just… I am so excited for that. It’s going to be super cool. And then personally, my mom has been sick for the past two weeks and she’s finally feeling a lot better, so it’s a good sign. Yeah. Josh Clemente: Yes. Laurie. Laurie Morrison: The growth is crazy. I’ve missed a few weeks on Fridays and it’s just a different world. I’m enjoying Threads and it’s fun to be able to jump into another department and see what everybody’s doing personally. I really like that. Personally, it’s been a long week for my husband and I, and I hope we can have a date sometime between now and Monday. So fingers crossed with that. Josh Clemente: We’re pulling for you- Laurie Morrison: Thanks. Josh Clemente: … to make it happen. Murillo. Murillo Nicacio de Maraes: Yeah. Levels side, just seeing the team growth, and I think it speaks to our culture and our processes that people who have recently joined are already able to make meaningful contributions. I’ve rarely seen that before, so that’s awesome and exciting. Personally, it’s just being back after being [inaudible 00:57:35] on vacation. It’s good to have two weeks in a row of just taking care of myself and exercising and just feeling good, except for yesterday, I guess. Yeah. Josh Clemente: That’s great. Ben. Ben Grynol: Yeah. So three things, team welcome Kunal, welcome Zac, super cool. Content standpoint, Casey’s pod and Sam’s article, very cool. And this is also how we’re on the path to impacting a billion people. It’s all these impressions, it’s all this awareness for what we’re doing in metabolic health, so stoked there. And then third thing is JM, so hat tip everything he’s been doing on membership model. Every time I watch him, I’m like, man, I got to ramp up my game. So just love the organization, love how fast he’s executing. Personally, Acquired, our pals over there, have done a two-part series on our friends at Andreessen Horowitz. And it’s a really good six hour listen. So get in the car, go on a road trip and put on those headphones. Josh Clemente: Yeah, confirmed. It’s great. Jhon. Jhon Cruz: Yeah. It’s amazing. The amount of significant changes, content, and lots of other things that we are creating and pushing week-over-week. I’m really impressed about the velocity in general. And on the personal front, my parents are finally moving, so I will be helping them out this weekend. Josh Clemente: Nice, good luck. Zac. Zac Henderson: Yeah, mostly just super excited to be here. One of the coolest things about the way that we hire and everything is I’ve been like chopping at the bit and feel like I’ve known many of you all just through watching these forms for months now so [inaudible 00:59:16] to be here is just wicked cool. Also, Sam’s article was awesome. I’m excited to listen to Casey’s podcast tonight, and I’m going to the pool tonight. Josh Clemente: Amazing. Love it. Miz. Michael Mizrahi: Yeah. Plus one to Casey-Hyman podcast. Every time I listen to those, my head goes into this moment of like, wow, this is such a cool company, how can I get my hands on this product? And so it’s fun to zoom out sometimes and looking at it through that lens. Excited about all the new team members and everything we’re doing on that end. And then on the personal work side, just inspired by the velocity by the willingness to just do the work. There’s very little politicing, and I really feel a sense of shared vision and particular, had to [inaudible 00:59:57] Ben this week just for getting a bunch of things just out of the way within an hour and not really deliberating on it. So the Loom memos is just a simple example of that, but sets a really good culture for just doing things. Josh Clemente: Ditto. Casey. Casey Means: Yeah. This feels like a big week all across the board. I’m just echoing everyone else, really excited about the growth of our team and the evolution of our culture. I feel like we’re living in the middle of the high growth handbook book and in a really good way. Also, plus one to Sam’s article, I had multiple people text me who saw it on Twitter when I posted it, and are not even in tech, and were like, “Oh my God, this totally changed the way I think about time management.” So that was really cool. Casey Means: And then yeah, plus one to what Miz said, actually shout out to Ben, want to shout out to everyone this week, but shout out to Ben. I think the velocity stuff and particularly pushing me to be more scrappy and high velocity, I really appreciate because my inclination is to not be that way, to make everything kind of slow and perfect. And I’m just so appreciative that he gets us moving that, and making that Loom video in 15 minutes really was a great example of that as well. So super thanks to Ben and excited to see Andrew tonight. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Yeah. David produced a couple of really cool visuals just showing the balance, the tension between different concepts, like pace versus quality and stuff in his recent memo, which I thought were super helpful just for me, a visual learner. Mike Haney: Yeah. Plus one to all the content stuff. I can’t wait for Casey’s book, which I will listen to on One X. Sam’s piece inspired me to try the actual calendar to-doing, which has been pretty successful, I think, this week. And plus one to the growth of the team, including Kunal’s French bulldog, Arlo. Josh Clemente: Love it. Jason, or Jesse, sorry. Jesse Lavine: Yeah. I’m going to go with the documentation this week on project ownership and velocity. Those were really interesting to read. And on the personal side, it’s quite possible that I might go spend way too much time at Guitar Center and [inaudible 01:02:05] this weekend. So excited about that. Josh Clemente: Do it. Tom, did I skip you? Speaker 27: No, Tom left. Josh Clemente: Okay, cool. Jesse Lavine: Tom. No, you don’t remember? Josh Clemente: I do remember. I’ll give you a debrief after. All right, well, with that- Ben Grynol: His internet dropped out again, that’s all. Josh Clemente: Yeah, exactly. It was, I’m sorry, I had a disruption. Tom Griffin: Tell everyone what I’m excited about, Josh. Josh Clemente: I need that alpha brain. Tom was excited about the Doctor’s Farmacy and Sam’s first round review article, which everyone sent to him. See? I had it. All right team, awesome week. Went a little bit over here, but there was a ton to cover. So I’m glad we got through it all. And with that, I’m going to stop the share.
August 13, 2021
Friday Forum is an All Hands meeting for the Levels team, where they discuss their progress and traction each week.