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For every logged meal, the Levels app delivers a simple score that reflects its effect on the body.

Levels meal scores, explained

For every logged meal, the Levels app delivers a simple score that reflects its effect on the body.

The Levels Team
The Levels Team
UPDATED: 03/28/2024
PUBLISHED: 02/14/2023

Meal Scores quantify how foods and activities, in combination, affect your blood sugar levels. Scores range from 1 to 10, with 10 being optimal. To calculate this score, we look at several aspects of your glucose response in the two hours following a logged meal.

Below, we explain the rationale behind Meal Scores and provide more detail about how we calculate them.

The feature and why we built it

This Meal Score rewards gradual, minimal changes in glucose because stable blood sugar supports quality of life in the short term and metabolic health in the long term.

A glucose window is a roughly 2-hour window following a logged meal. A Meal *Score* aims to capture how your glucose levels respond to everything you do during that window (i.e., not just food but also physical activity, stress, and more).

Levels developed ‘glucose windows’ to reflect that you don’t eat food in a vacuum. How your body responds to a given ingredient depends on what you do before and after you eat it: Are you consuming other foods? Going for a jog? Going to sleep? All those factors influence glycemic response, and your Meal Score reflects that interaction.

A Meal Score also takes into account the macronutrient content of what you eat. While a fairly stable glucose response is ideal, it’s not the only thing that determines how metabolically healthy a meal is. You could eat bacon and drink vodka all day and get a stable glucose line, but it wouldn’t make you healthy.

Generally speaking, you should aim to consume enough protein and fiber, while minimizing carbs (especially refined or naked carbs) and unhealthy fats. You should also favor whole foods over processed ones, and avoid highly refined seed oils.

With the scoring system, the goal is not to achieve a perfect 10 every time. Instead, by offering a simple record of each glucose window, we hope to help members track how various combinations of foods and activities affect their bodies. You may find, for instance, that eating an apple on its own leads to a Meal Score of 6, but an apple followed by a walk generates an 8. This simple, quantitative difference may be a helpful way of thinking about how to approach your food and your days.

🥗 Levels recommends aiming for a Meal Score of 7 or above on most meals.

Strategies for bumping up your Meal Scores include:

How we calculate scores

To calculate your Meal Score, we look at two primary factors:

In addition to glucose dynamics, we also consider the quality of the food you log, including its macronutrient and micronutrient content, and whether it is highly processed or contains seed oils.

However, these factors minimally impact your final score:

It is normal and healthy to see moderate changes in your glucose levels. Very large and steep spikes, however, can be a sign that you’re overwhelming your body with sugar. To boost your score, aim for hills, not mountains!

A more detailed step-by-step of the Meal Score calculation

This is a technical look at how we calculate a Meal Score. Note that while we’re providing the formula here, it’s not something you could replicate on your own, given the information available in the app. For example, the rate of accumulation for the Area Under the Curve is something we can calculate, but is not precisely available in the app.

1. Calculate the scores for each component.

Glucose Delta

If the value of the Glucose Delta (the change in glucose during the glucose window) is ≥ 5 mg/dL, the score changes according to the following formula:

Glucose delta deduction = 1 – ((GlucoseDelta – 5) / 65)

Slope of Glucose Change

If the Slope of Glucose Change (i.e., the sharpness of the spike) exceeds 2 mg/dL per minute, the score changes according to the following formula:

Glucose slope deduction = 1 – ((GlucoseSlope – 2) / 13)

Area Under the Curve

Similarly, if the Area Under the Curve (meaning the total volume of the glucose rise) accumulates at > 2 mg/dL per minute, the score will change according to the following formula:

Area under curve deduction = 1 – ((AreaUnderCurveRate – 2) / 18)

2. Take an average of values calculated in step 1 to generate a composite score.
3. [If available] Adjust the score based on the macronutrient content in the meal.

For every meal log in a glucose window, we sum up the macronutrients (protein, fiber, etc) from all the foods in that log. We then sum up the macronutrients across all logs in the glucose window to determine if the macronutrient totals should affect the Meal Score using the following thresholds and score impacts:

  1. High Protein: ≥ 20g of protein ⇒ +0.33
  2. High Fiber: ≥ 10g of fiber ⇒ +0.33
  3. High Healthy Fats: ≥ 5g of monounsaturated fats ⇒ +0.33
  4. High Unhealthy Fats: ≥ 5g of trans+polyunsaturated fats ⇒ -0.5
  5. High Carb: ≥ 30g of carbs ⇒ -0.5
4. [If applicable] Adjust the score based on the quality of the ingredients in the meal.

If any of the ingredients in the log are tagged in our food database with one of the following, we make the corresponding adjustment to the score. Note that each adjustment can only be applied once per glucose window, so even if multiple ingredients have the same tag, you are only penalized or rewarded once.

  1. micronutrient: +0.1
  2. highly_processed: -0.3
  3. seed_oils: -0.3
5. Round the composite score up to the nearest integer and multiply it by 10 to generate a number between 1 and 10.


Note that our engineers are constantly working to improve app features, so the above may not precisely match the current meal scoring algorithm.__⭐ No score will be calculated if you don’t have data sufficient to generate a baseline or during the 2 hours of the glucose window.

Exceptions, notes, and caveats

A Meal Score is just one way of thinking about your glucose dynamics. If you prefer to stick to raw numbers instead of scores, you can look at your post-meal glucose levels, average glucose, or glucose standard deviation in the app.

Although we created our Meal Score formula from components of peer-reviewed studies on healthy glucose variability, Meal Scores are not yet a clinically validated tool.

On long glucose windows

Note that a glucose window will extend beyond two hours if you log an additional meal during this period—the clock effectively restarts with each log. For example, if you log bacon and eggs at 8 am, your meal will end at 10 am. However, if you log Greek yogurt at 8:45 am, your meal will extend until 10:45 am; if you also log a latte at 10 am, your meal will extend until 12 pm, leaving you with a 4-hour glucose window for that meal.

Indeed, if your logs are consistently under 2 hours apart, you might only have one Meal Score for the day instead of several Meal Scores for every food logged. To avoid this, our Support team recommends logging multiple foods at once rather than creating separate entries. You can also edit your logs after the fact to consolidate logs.

“For instance, if you logged salad at 4:30 pm and then some almonds at 5 pm, you can edit the logs so that there’s just one ‘Salad and Almonds’ entry at 4:45 pm,” says Support expert Sunny Negless.


The app won’t display a score for glucose windows with exercise alone because physical activity positively affects metabolic health (even if it causes a temporary spike in blood sugar). Be sure to log strenuous physical activity to avoid losing points for an exercise-related spike.

Levels App

Ready to see how Levels can help you?

Start taking action today to optimize your metabolic health so you can feel better and live a longer, healthier life. Levels members get access to the most advanced continuous glucose monitors (CGM), along with an app that offers personalized guidance so you can build healthy, sustainable habits. Click here to learn more about Levels..


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