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Physical, psychological, and societal factors make us eat more sugar than ever. Learn how to beat sugar cravings with these 5 strategies.

The science on sugar cravings and how to beat them

Physical, psychological, and societal factors make us eat more sugar than ever. Learn how to beat sugar cravings with these 5 strategies.

Barbara Brody
Barbara Brody
Austin Perlmutter, MD
UPDATED: 10/12/2023
PUBLISHED: 11/07/2021
Sugar acts on the same brain reward pathways as addictive drugs which is why cravings can be so strong.
Environmental cues like smells and sights trigger the brain's dopamine system which makes us crave sugar.
Stress causes short-term mood boosts from sugar but leads to a vicious cortisol-craving cycle in the long run.
Time, replacing cues, mindfulness, balanced diet, and stable blood sugar are ways to break the brain's sugar craving cycle.
While controversial, research shows cutting sugar for 4 weeks can retrain your brain and dissipate cravings through deconditioning.

Why are sugar cravings so powerful they often get compared to addiction? While glucose is fuel—your body can’t function without it—added sugar in processed foods and junk food is hardly essential. In fact, limiting sugar intake is crucial to improving metabolic health and overall wellness. Yet even if you fully understand this, the allure of candy, ice cream, sweetened drinks, and other sweet treats may seem impossible to resist. If you’re wondering how to beat sugar cravings, you’re not alone. What’s happening?

“Research has shown that sugar basically acts on the same reward pathways in the brain as cocaine and other street drugs, which is why so many people crave it so strongly,” says Uma Naidoo, MD, director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital.

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How Much Sugar Do We Really Eat?

Whether intense sugar cravings should be officially classified as a “sugar addiction” is controversial among scientists. However, it’s clear that a combination of physiological, psychological, and economic factors contribute to why people so frequently overdo the sweet stuff today. In the late 1700s, people consumed around six pounds of sugar a year. Today it’s typical to ingest 150 pounds of total sugar per year, much of which comes from added sugar.

That’s a problem for many reasons. Added sugar is a high-calorie, low-nutrient food, so it’s easy to understand how the rise in its consumption dovetails with today’s dual epidemics of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Yet even if your weight is normal and you don’t have a diagnosis of diabetes, excess sugar can cause problems by leading to frequent blood sugar spikes and dips, which can impact how you feel and also lead to long-term health problems.

The Metabolic Connection

As blood glucose rises, your body tries to compensate by releasing extra insulin, but cells become less responsive to this hormone over time, and you can end up with insulin resistance. Elevated blood glucose levels and insulin resistance set the stage for a host of chronic conditions, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and age-related cognitive problems (including Alzheimer’s disease). Poor metabolic health can also play a role in various mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

"We live in a society saturated with sugar, where highly processed foods (which often contain loads of added sugar, even if they don’t taste sweet) comprise up to 60% of our calories."

Excessive sugar consumption is closely tied to other side effects, including oxidative stress (or tissue-damaging free radicals within the body) and glycation (where glucose gets “stuck” to proteins within the body, causing problems).

The solution seems simple: Eat less sugar. But anyone who’s tried to curb sugar cravings or quit cold turkey knows that’s easier said than done. To tame your sweet tooth and beat sugar cravings for good, you have to overcome powerful environmental cues and brain circuitry that tells you to polish off that entire candy bar (and maybe go back for a second).

The Nature and Nurture Behind Sugar Cravings

If you feel like you’re living in a world that’s compelling you—even cheering you on—to eat more sugar, you’re not imagining it. We live in a society saturated with sugar, where highly processed foods (which often contain loads of added sugar, even if they don’t taste sweet) comprise up to 60% of our calories. Highly processed foods also tend to be more affordable and easily accessible than foods that promote healthy eating, which is a result of subsidies that support the production of crops that often make their way into processed foods like corn, soy, and wheat. Plus, we’ve been conditioned from an early age to associate sweet foods with happiness and comfort. Celebrating a birthday? Of course you’re eating cake. Going through a breakup? Grab a pint of ice cream and a spoon.

Even if you’re not trying to conjure a soothing emotion, cravings and habits go hand-in-hand. “If you always have a bowl of ice cream at 8 p.m. while you watch a TV show, you’re going to crave ice cream when you watch TV at that time,” says John Apolzan, PhD, assistant professor and nutrition scientist in the department of clinical nutrition and metabolism at Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

Like any ingrained habit, an association like “TV equals ice cream” is incredibly hard to break. Neuroscientists believe that’s because, over time, paired thoughts and actions start traveling together along the same brain pathways.

A high-glucose meal only makes matters worse because it can lead to blood sugar spikes followed by substantial dips (a process called reactive hypoglycemia), which can increase appetite in subsequent meals.

The Stress Connection

While external cues—like the smell of fresh-baked cookies—clearly make the desire to consume sugar more powerful, one of the most significant triggers for sugar cravings is stress.

In the short term, sugary foods promote the production of serotonin, a chemical that aids mood regulation, in the brain. “Foods that are high in added sugar as well as simple carbohydrates [which are quickly broken down into sugar] increase insulin levels in the body, which allows tryptophan—a building block for serotonin—to enter the brain,” Naidoo explains. “Tryptophan is converted to serotonin in the brain, so there’s an initial calming effect.”

The catch, however, is that these hormonal changes are quickly followed by activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis—the connection between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands—which leads to the release of cortisol. (Excess sugar can also promote cortisol release through inflammation, or by increasing insulin, which elevates cortisol.) High stress, and perhaps even elevated cortisol, can lead you to eat more sugary foods, thus creating a vicious cycle.

5 Ways to Break the Sugar Cravings Cycle

There’s no scientifically proven way to retrain your brain to stop sugar cravings, but there are tactics you can take to lessen them. Some options worth exploring:

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